Ball Mill Rotation Speed :
Grinding in Ball Mill is achieved by rolling of grinding media falling freely So Ball Mill must rotate at a speed at which the Grinding Media is carried up the side enough to roll down again over but not so great that it tends to be carried clear or the material to be ground and then tail.
Recommended Ball Mill Speed
Ball Mill I.D. Speed r.p.m. 36(3′) 28 42(3.5″) 26 48(4′) 24 56(4.5″) 22 60(5′) 20 72(6′) 18 -
Recommended size of Balls
25% Large size (50-60 mm) 50% Medium size (30 – 40 mm) 25% Small size (30 mm)
Size of Balls :
It is surface of the Balls or Pebbles that do the grinding by their contact with others. It is observed that a mix of three sizes gives best result.
Quantity of Balls :
Ball charge should be 45% of their volume of the mill. However, higher the density better is the grinding.
Quantity of the material :
Theoretically the most efficient use of grinding ball is made when all the voids are filled with the material and the balls are just covered with it.
Consistency of Material :
The consistency of the mixture for wet grinding also effects the results. If the mixture is too thick balls will clog together. If the mixture is too thin then it will cause slipping. So the right amount of water is necessary.
Initial Size of material to be ground :
If the feed is fairly large it wears down the media and lining unnecessarily. A fine feed leads to efficient uniform and uncontaminated products. So it is always better to use finer material as far as possible.
Diameter Mm App.No. Balls / Kg. – – – – 10 700 12.5 350 15 180 – 12.165 20 85 25 45 30 25 35-37 15 40 11 50 5.6 60 3to3.5 -
Color White Sp.Gravity 2.7 Water Absorption % 0 Flexural Strength Kg / Cm2 1400 Compressive Strength Kg/Cm2 5000 Hardness ( Moh’s Scale) 7.5 SiO2 60-62 MgO 27-30 AI2O3 7-8 Fe203 + Tio2 0.2< CaO 1.5< BaO 2.5<
Grinding Media
Item Code No. ØD weight in grm. BallØ10.00 MEDL50024 10.00 1.3 BallØ12.00 MEDL50025 12.00 2.5 BallØ15.00 MEDL50040 15.00 4 BallØ19.00 MEDL50044 19.00 9 BallØ20.00 MEDL50026 20.00 10 BallØ24.00 MEDL50043 24.00 20 BallØ25.00 MEDL50027 25.00 22 BallØ37.00 MEDL50036 37.00 71 BallØ40.00 MEDL50045 40.00 – BallØ50.00 MEDL50031 50.00 190 BallØ60.00 MEDL50035 60.00 315
Lining Brick
(Tounge & Groove or Plain) For Ball Mill Lining
Lining Bricks Straight W W H L 150-50 50 50 50 150 115-50 50 50 50 115 75-50 50 50 50 75 35-50 50 50 50 35 Taper W1 W2 H L 150-50 56 50 50 150 115-50 56 50 50 115 75-50 56 50 50 75 35-50 56 50 50 35